Freedom Through Systems LLC

Version Date: October 3, 2017

Freedom Through Systems LLC expressly disclaims all warranties as to the contents of its websites, Freedom Through Systems and Agency Sales Ignite, and its individual publications including, without limitation, the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, infringement, and makes no warranty as to the results that may be achieved by using the information contained in this website and its individual publications. Also, some suggestions concerning marketing, product sales, business operations or other practices may have inadvertently introduced practices deemed unlawful in certain states or municipalities. This website and its contents are provided solely for information. The implementation, and the consequences thereof, of any suggestion or comment made by the author is the sole responsibility of the person or persons making that implementation and not the author or publisher. You should be aware of the various laws governing business transactions or other business practices in your particular geographic location. Because this information can be used in a variety of ways to fit various business purposes, the author and Freedom Through Systems LLC will not be responsible for any damages (including, without limitation, indirect, consequential, special, or punitive damages) suffered or incurred by any person arising out of such person’s use of or reliance on this website, its individual publications or the information contained therein.


Any references to any persons or businesses, whether living or dead, existing or defunct, are purely coincidental.